Monday, May 23, 2011

Down the Road : My Debut as an Author!

A bunch of friends gathered around the top of a lounge bar on the evening of the farewell of the 3 Musketeers, Manu, Sneh and Pranav. Bosses say kind words, friends wish us luck.

And then one word sticks – Sneh, write, this may be the chance for you to become author.

Several months pass, blogs written, short stories in Oman – and then I meet the folks at Grey Oak, a publishing house who innocently ask – Would you be interested to write?

Hop. Skip. Jump.
Hop Again.

Months later, here’s Down the Road – an anthology of campus stories that remind you of those “good ol days” when Maggie constituted for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner; Professors took interesting names such as “Mendakk”; and romance was about “liking” someone. In this upcoming release you will find in print 2 of my stories written after much reminiscing and coffee.(Hop. Skip. Jump)

Coming to bookstores across India, Landmark/Crosswords/Reliance with the launch dated from first week of April at various cities : Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad.

Watch this space for more!


Tarang Sinha said...


Strange Brew said...

Thank you Tarang!