6 Reasons Why everyone needs a Max Morrison
- He may pee everywhere and you might need to swoop up his poop every 30 mins. But he will love you unconditionally. Purely. Sincerely.
- People are not always what they seem. Pups have no pretenses.
- You have someone to come home to. This someone will never lie, or cheat or shift loyalties to another skirt, job or ambition.
- A pup teaches you how to understand emotions better. Maybe once you’ve kept a pup you will realize that you girlfriend should not need to yell at you to make you realize she is ignored. You’ll understand sulking a lot better.
- Dogs will bite your enemy’s bum. Don’t expect your boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother to do the same.
- Pup will drag your lazy bum for a walk. Even if you are a horrible person, you will understand the need to address nature’s call immediately.
He is the most blessed creature on earth.
You love him even when he wakes you up at 5am when you just gone to sleep.
He gets away with murder of your favorite slippers.
He is fed the best and most expensive and coo chi cooed at the same time.
You pet him even when he is smelly from playing out in the rain.
And he is the cutest of all.
6 reasons I wish I was a pup.
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