6 Reasons Why everyone needs a Max Morrison
- He may pee everywhere and you might need to swoop up his poop every 30 mins. But he will love you unconditionally. Purely. Sincerely.
- People are not always what they seem. Pups have no pretenses.
- You have someone to come home to. This someone will never lie, or cheat or shift loyalties to another skirt, job or ambition.
- A pup teaches you how to understand emotions better. Maybe once you’ve kept a pup you will realize that you girlfriend should not need to yell at you to make you realize she is ignored. You’ll understand sulking a lot better.
- Dogs will bite your enemy’s bum. Don’t expect your boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother to do the same.
- Pup will drag your lazy bum for a walk. Even if you are a horrible person, you will understand the need to address nature’s call immediately.